
Guðröður Hálfdansson

Guðröður Hálfdansson, became king after his father. He vas called Guðröður self-important but some called him huntingking. 

His father was Hálfdan hinn mildi og matarilli

1. Wife: Álfhildur, daughter of Alfarins the king of Álfheimum (fairyland), but at this time the land between Raumelfar and Gautelfar were called Álfheimar. With her hand in marriage Guðröður got half of Vingulmörk. Theyr son:

    a) Ólafur who latter were called Geirstaðaálfur, king in Norway.

2. Wife: Ása Haraldsdóttir, Theyr sons:

    b) Hálfdan

    c) Óláfr.

When Álfhildur was ded, Guðröður king sent his men west at Agðir to the king there, who was called Haraldur the rednose.They should ask for Ása his daughters hand in marriage for king Guðröður, but Haraldur refused. Guðröðurs men came back and told the king what had happend. A while later king Guðröður put his ships on water, and took many men to Agðir, where he attacked at night on king Haraldurs house. King Haraldur took the men he had and fought back but Guðröður had much more men. There king Haraldur was killed and his son Gyrður. King Guðröður took big booty, and he brought home with him Ása king Haraldurs doughter and married her. They had two sons Hálfdan and Óláfr.

But when Hálfdan was wintersold, that fall king Guðröður went to a big feast. He was with his ship at Stíflusundi. There were lot of drinking. The king got very drunk. At the evening the king went to his ship and when he was on the pier a man came running and stab him through with a spear. That killed him and the man was also killed.

At the morning when they recognise the man it was queen Ása's servant. She did not try to hide it was her plan. She had maid the man kill her husband, because king Guðröður had before killed king Haraldur, her father and Gyrður, his son. Ása went north at Agðir with Hálfdan, her son and ruled the kingdom her father had before. Hálfdan grew up with his mother Ása, and soon he became a great man and strong, with much black hair, therefor he was called Hálfdan the black.

Systa's genealogy page, 2 janúar 2001
